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In a world that increasingly demands immediate results, modernization through innovation has become the driving force in how we live, work and connect. The healthcare industry is not immune to this trend. With unprecedented advancements in the medical space, the demand for more efficient processes by which we provide state-of-the-art care, is growing. In 2022, the Under Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), highlighted this need when he announced one of the six VA health care priorities: to “connect Veterans to the soonest and best care.” Providing the “soonest and best care” requires a strategically streamlined approach to deliver that care. External Provider Scheduling (EPS) was born from this concept. 

In 2021, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Office of Integrated Veteran Care (IVC) implemented the integrated access and care coordination model to enhance the Veteran healthcare experience. This model focuses on streamlining access to care, ensuring that Veterans receive timely services both within the VA system and through approved community providers. The External Provider Scheduling project focuses specifically on the community care portion of the model, where VA staff can book Veteran appointments directly into community providers’ scheduling systems. The EPS platform interfaces with community care provider grids, allowing schedulers to view all available appointments in real-time, discuss Veteran preferences and schedule live, while on the phone with the Veteran. It is a convenient and time-saving way to schedule appointments, which means less phone calls between the VA scheduler, the Veteran and the community provider. 

After a pilot program with the Charleston and Columbia VA Medical Centers (VAMCs) successfully reinforced the benefits of EPS, additional facilities were selected (based on high digital presence) and deployed using a phased approach in fiscal year (FY) 2024. As a high-visibility program, EPS reporting on key metrics was critical in further evaluating and endorsing the tool: 1) Number of appointments booked 2) File Entry Date (FED) to First Scheduled (appointment) rate 3) Onboarded provider counts. As the FY24 sites deployed, integration plans to blend existing VA systems with the EPS platform were put into motion. The main goals of both projects? More standardized scheduling processes across facilities, interoperability between VA systems and external provider scheduling grids and, ultimately, a better Veteran experience.  

An initiative as complex and widespread as this required a considerable commitment toward developing change management strategies, engaging site scheduling staff regularly (whether through cadenced communications or continuous bidirectional feedback), strategically navigating the political realm with leadership and providing administrative expertise to support these efforts. Alignment across this fast-paced, ever-evolving project required strong inter and intra project team communication. The success of EPS year one execution hinged on the work of key internal players across multiple workstreams (project staff and technical SMEs) on both VA and contracting teams. Communication, command center (data), change management and provider onboarding teams played critical roles in year’s one momentum.  

Due to its’ high-visibility and often mixed reception from leadership, a significant level of discretion was needed when socializing the platform to Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISNs) and VAMCs. Briefings to the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee (SVAC) and VHA Governance Board were commonplace but, as the project continued, use of the EPS platform piqued the interest of other governmental and non-governmental organizations and agencies — promising interest! Most recently, EPS was nominated for FedScoop 50 Innovation of the Year award, which honors “cutting-edge, innovative applications of technology that have disrupted traditional government operations and processes leading to an enhanced impact on mission and service delivery.” 

As the EPS team prepares for its’ FY25 expansion to additional VISNs and VAMCs, a more agile approach will be utilized, emphasizing site adjacencies, focused provider onboarding by category of care and digital provider readiness. Facilities will “go live” based on the achievement of specific milestones and scheduling staff feedback. Success for this fiscal year will be defined by the ability to deploy EPS in all planned facilities, across all specialties, with a solid blueprint to expand further in subsequent years. If the future is any representation of the past, FY25 looks bright, as is the continued promise to deliver Veterans “the soonest and best care,” one appointment at a time.  

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